
Showing posts from November, 2011

Access Denied message when changing printer port

Access Denied message when changing printer port MAY 25, 2010   BY  JOE GOUGH - SENIOR INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEER   3 COMMENTS I have just changed the IP address of my network shared printer. When I have done this in the past it has been straight forward but it looks like Server 2008 R2 had different plans for me  I went into the printer properties: selected the ports tab and found the port I wanted to change: Now, as I have done many times in the past I clicked “Configure Port” ready to enter the new IP only to be met with: “An error occurred during port configuration. Access is denied.” Its the same for deleting the port. That seems very much like a UAC related error with me not being elevated, no worries I’ll just elevate myself – easy. Not quite, the run as administrator isn’t on the printer context menu: and the normal trick of holding down Shift while right clicking doesn’t give additional options either. Anyway, lets skip...